Materials Testing Consultants

an mtc employee working next to a company truck


Nicole Vesota

Materials Testing Consultants logo

Since 1968. Materials Testing Consultants (MTC) is a geotechnical engineering firm offering specialized materials testing services such as ground penetrating radar, construction materials testing and engineering services, geotechnical services and analysis, and environmental consulting.   MTC  is one of Midwest’s best welding inspection companies, offering structural steel inspection, structural restoration, and testing for new and existing projects. MTC is a leader in pavement management and concrete testing with a soils testing lab which allows for in-house soils testing for the ground breaking project of your new company. When it comes to hazardous materials management, MTC will utilize field testing and/or their materials testing laboratory to check for lead or mold, indoors and out. MTC can also provide asbestos surveys and consulting for your historic renovation project. Whatever the project, MTC’s experts will be there to assess your site’s conditions and provide the right remedy to keep construction on schedule. Please visit our careers page for information on current job openings.

Business Name

Materials Testing Consultants
693 Plymouth Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Target Markets

Architects, Engineers, General Contractors, Municipalities, Schools, Colleges, State Agencies, Large Corporations, or anyone with a potential construction project, restoration project, or environmental concern.

Geographic Area

Great Lakes Region, Michigan, Northern Ohio and Indiana

Primary Products and Services

MTC delivers a wide range of construction materials testing and engineering services across the Great Lakes region including:

Category: Commercial Services